The Satyrium muticum (Sticky Satyre) is an incredible ground orchid which was found on Gondwana Game Reserve in 2017. At that time the Sticky Satyre was only known from three locations with less than 250 plants per population and a status of being critically endangered due to habitat loss. Since 2017 the Conservation team has […]
Jolandie Buck our GCF researcher and project co-ordinator has made a significant contribution to documenting and identifying various different species with the GCF team, but more specifically her passion for spiders has had her contributing information and data on our arachnids to scientists around South Africa. The work she has done in collaboration with Dr […]
Gnidia chrysophylla Common name: Gold Cape saffron, Goldleaf Stripper, Saffron Bush. Saffraan (Afr.) Family: Thymelaeaceae (Daphne family) Status: NT- Near Threatened Etymology: The derivation of Gnidia is uncertain. One possibility is that it was named after the Greek word for a Laurel. In Greek mythology the pretty nymph Daphne was turned into a Laurel bush. The specific epithet chrysophylla means “golden- eaved”. Location: Satyrium […]
Matthew has earned his Advanced diploma in Nature Conservation through Nelson Mandela University. He has a particular interest in fire ecology and has a higher certificate in Veld Fire Management. He has previously worked as a field research assistant at Wildlife Ecology Lab assisting in data collection, recording, processing, and research. Here he grew his […]
We are excited to share that we have embarked on a sophisticated journey of biodiversity restoration using drone technology and GIS mapping! Drone mapping is assisting us to more efficiently monitor and target Invasive Alien Plants (IAP) on the reserve using Pilot area 1 as a test site. On the 11th and 12th April 2023 […]
What is the COP15?The Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a critical international forum for setting global goals and targets to address the current biodiversity crisis. The Gondwana Conservation Foundation’s (GCF) strategy aligns well with the goals and objectives of COP15, and can contribute to achieving […]
There is something so magical about the flight of the Black Harrier (Circus maurus) as it swoops over the fynbos silently hunting. The feathers are deep black with large white panels on the under wing and white bars on the tail feathers, that occasionally catch your eye as it glides over low growing fynbos. According […]
Dr Lorenzo Prendini (Ph.D) from the American Museum of Natural History joined the conservation team on the 30th of June and 1st of July 2022 to collect specimens of various scorpions. Wildlife & Ecological investments joined on the 1st of July to learn more about collection methods and scorpions in our area. The Opistothalmus genus […]
Grade 6 Environmental Education Day 2022 There were 79 Grade 6 learners from our local schools that joined us on Gondwana Game Reserve (GGR) for a day of fun and education. These schools were selected post covid as these are our closest neighbouring schools and their classes are small enough to invite all the learners […]
Gladiolus roseovenosus is a rare winter rainfall species that grows in peaty sandstone soil on well drained slopes in the coastal foothills of the Outeniqua Mountains in the southern Cape. According to SANBI (South African Institute for Biodiversity), G. roseovenosus was estimated (when assessed in 2008) that there were no more than 200 plants remaining in […]