
Environmental Education 2022

Grade 6 Environmental Education Day 2022

There were 79 Grade 6 learners from our local schools that joined us on Gondwana Game Reserve (GGR) for a day of fun and education. These schools were selected post covid as these are our closest neighbouring schools and their classes are small enough to invite all the learners to GGR.

  • Laerskool Herbertsdale – 29 learners and 2 teachers
  • St Lukes Primary School – 39 Learners and 1 teacher
  • Laerskool Ruiterbos – 11 learners and 2 teachers


The following activities were covered during their time:

  • Fynbos – proteas and ericas
  • Black wattles and the importance of removing them was done in Sunset ridge.
  • Tracking activity in the protected area with the Antipoaching Unit.
  • Supplemented schoolwork on Herbivores, Omnivores, Carnivores and lifecycles.
    • Creative activity – placed their hands on a canvas with a map of GGR, a rhino, Fynbos and the mountains in the centre. This is done as a promise to conserve the environment and their community.

    Grade 7 World Rhino Day 2022

    World rhino day held on the 22nd of Spetember 2022 was attended by 71 learners and 4 teachers.

    • Laerskool Herbertsdale – 24 learners, 2 teachers
    • Laerskool Ruiterbos – 15 learners, 1 teacher
    • St Lukes Primary School – 32 learners, 1 teacher


    The stalls this year were the following:

    • Ecology – looking at skulls, horns, dung and more – Presented by Field Guides from Gondwana Game Reserve

      Plants – touching, smelling and tasting different plants, learning about black wattles – Presented by the conservation team.

      Pest control station – using paintballs to shoot tick targets, this is used to explain how we control ticks on our rhinos – Run by the conservation team

      APU crime scene – learners were taught about the realities of rhino poaching and then had to search for all the evidence placed in the scene – run by the Antipoaching unit.

      APU and technology – drones, telemetry and collars were shown to the learners, they were also taught about tracks – run by the antipoaching unit.

      South Africa Police Services – they taught the learners about the importance of what they do in the community and played a game with the learners – run by the SAPS team

      Lenny – The learners placed their hands on Lenny the life sized rhino model as a commitment to protect rhinos, the environment and their community.

      Game drive – this was done after all stalls had been visited. The game drive had three competitions for the learners to take part in, this brought a new spirit of excitement to the event and both the learners and the field guides enjoyed this component.

      • Best group name
      • Best photo
      • Largest wattle removed by hand

        Once the game drive was completed the learners enjoyed their lunch and winners were announced.

        Feedback from St Lukes Primary School was very positive, with the principle stating that the learners enjoyed everything they learnt, the game drive and the competition.

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