We would like to express our gratitude
The GCF would like to express our gratitude for your participation and support of our Rainbow Rhino challenge last month. Events were held in England, Wales, Ireland, Australia, Spain, South Africa, and Switzerland and donations were received from not only these countries but even further afield.
Total amount received by our Foundation was US$17,000 or Rands 272,000 – an amazing display of support for our beloved rhinos. We intend to extend a similar challenge next year and would like to think that our supporters will be even more numerous than this year. Lets hope that our world has by then returned to normal (or new normal) and that our challenge will be answered with the same enthusiasm as shown by you all last month.
As part of our Rainbow Rhino long term initiative we are excited to announce that the funds raised will be used to establish our first satellite breeding population outside of the Foundation’s main herd in the Southern Cape. This first satellite herd will be established in a suitable location where appropriate habitat and protection can be provided. We are excited to be engaging with like minded stake holders where custodianship agreements will be entered into. These satellite herds will continue to be owned by the GCF at all times.
We hope to continue growing the number of rhino throughout Southern Africa through these custodianship agreements whilst continuing to develop best in class anti poaching teams to protect them.
Our heartfelt thanks once again.
David Amos
On behalf of The Gondwana Conservation Foundation Board of Directors