You can transfer your donation to the GCF
Donate via EFT
Banking Details
Gondwana Conservation Foundation
FNB Bank Mossel Bay
Account number: 62457931345
Branch: Mossel Bay
Branch code: 210314
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Donate via PayPal *coming soon
You will soon be able to make a donation from our website using our online PayPal facility.
We thank all our donors for their kind contributions
How To Make A Donation
Generally, our private donors are individuals who are interested in nature and wildlife and share our committment to conservation. Other donors are foundations that have the funds but don’t have the infrastructure to implement their ideas and projects. In addition, we also work closely with South African businesses, some of which can use their Black Empowerment (BEE) spend to support us.
A donation does not have to be large, it can be any amount that you would like to donate. Every little bit helps.
We adhere to strict regulations regarding our own governance and compliance and our utilisation of all funding is subject to signoff by our auditors. We have implemented a project management system which enables us to closely manage our projects thus ensuring that none of the funds received from our donors are wasted on unnecessary expenditure. Gondwana Conservation Foundation is a South African registered foundation and as such, South African residents can apply for South African tax relief on their donations. We are in the throes of establishing relationships with Global foundations whereby foreign donations may also be tax effective.
We thank all our donors for their kind contributions.
The Gondwana Conservation Foundation is a registered South African non-profit organization (130-852 NPO) and has applied for exemption from income tax in terms of section 10(1) and/or approval in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act, No 58 of 1962. We are awaiting this approval and until such time cannot provide tax credit documentation to donors.